Monday, February 25, 2008

Secret Project One revealed: "Judenhass"

From the desk of Lou Copeland:

Dear friends,

I'm very pleased to announce the details of a project that's been in the making for three years, and is the first major work from the drawing table of Dave Sim since he completed Cerebus four years ago. The project, Judenhass, is a personal reflection on The Holocaust in the form of a 56 page graphic novel. Begun in response to the sixtieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz (2005) it will be released during the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of Israel this May.

Over the past two years I've been doing the layout of the 56 page book per Dave's specs, assisting Dave with research, and creating the website with input and content from Dave.

As with Glamourpuss, an advance preview copy will be going out to each retailer account sometime this month. We encourage you to ask your local comic shop retailer to see their copy and to let your interest in Judenhass be known.

In my opinion Judenhass is a powerful, moving, and meaningful experience. I couldn't be prouder of being able to assist one of the persons I admire the most in bringing it into this world.

The comic comes out in May. The website's here right now...


Lou Copeland

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Making Of glamourpuss VIDEO

Go to:

And click on the link on the front page called:

** Click here to view "THE MAKING OF glamourpuss" VIDEO! **

Monday, February 18, 2008

The remaining dates on Dave Sim's "100 Hour Virtual glamourpuss Tour"

The remaining dates on Dave Sim's "100 Hour Virtual glamourpuss Tour"

Monday, 18 Feb 08: no posting due to holiday.

Tuesday, 19 Feb 08: return to: Sequential Tart

Wednesday, 20 Feb 08: The Comic Forums

Thursday, 21 Feb 08: return to: Comics Village

Friday, 22 Feb: return to: Newsarama

Saturday, 23 Feb: return to: Comic Book Resources

Monday, 25 Feb: return to: Jinxworld (Bendis' board)

Tuesday, 26 Feb: return to: Comics Bulletin

Wednesday, 27 Feb: return to Panel & Pixel or MillarWorld or IMWAN or Comic Forums.

Countdown to Dave Sim's SECRET PROJECT ONE website announcement!